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Olympic weightlifter prepares for Paris, focuses on community and competition

Jourdan Delacruz, who previously competed in Tokyo under a cloud of COVID-19 restrictions, is looking forward to a more traditional Olympic experience this time.

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. — As the Olympic torch heads toward Paris, a resident athlete at Power and Grace Fitness in Lawrenceville is sharing her excitement and preparations for her second shot at gold. 

Jourdan Delacruz, who previously competed in Tokyo under a cloud of COVID-19 restrictions, is looking forward to a more traditional Olympic experience this time around.

During a recent interview at her training facility, Delacruz said she felt calm and ready, which contrasted sharply with her Olympic debut. 

“I’m feeling a lot more at peace and just enjoying the process compared to Tokyo," she said.

Numerous activities, such as media camps and meet-and-greets, have been included in the buildup to the Paris Games, adding to the excitement and team spirit among the athletes. This has allowed Team USA's weightlifting squad to bond significantly in the lead-up to the games, according to Delacruz. 

"It’s been really nice getting to train with the Olympic team before we actually get to Paris because, up until this point, we've been competitors trying to get those spots," she said.

Watch the full interview with Delacruz below 

For Delacruz, the upcoming games represent more than just competition; they are an opportunity to experience the Olympics fully, an opportunity that was curtailed in Tokyo due to pandemic-related constraints. 

“Last time, I competed on day one, meaning we didn't do any opening ceremonies, and I left the next day," she said, adding that she's anticipating a full roster of Olympic activities.

The training environment at Power and Grace Fitness, under the guidance of Coach Spencer Arnold, has played a pivotal role in Delacruz’s preparation. She credits the community atmosphere with making training enjoyable and effective. 

"Every day, you do the same three lifts and some type of variation of that. It can be really challenging when you're doing it by yourself," she said. 

Watch the full interview with Coach Spencer Arnold below 

Having teammates and a supportive community has transformed her training sessions into more engaging and enriching experiences.

Delacruz also uses her platform to challenge stereotypes within the sport, particularly those regarding women in weightlifting. 

"Getting into the gym, lifting a barbell, I felt like there was a lot of moments where I felt like, I don't know if I belong here," she said. 

With a background in competitive cheerleading, transitioning to weightlifting was initially a culture shock for her, but seeing other women excel in the sport inspired her to pursue it at an elite level.

As with the Paris Olympics approach, Delacruz is focused on performance and embracing the broader experience. 

“I just want to soak up every part of it," she said, describing her goals for Paris as encompassing both her athletic performance and her overall experience.

With her second Olympic journey underway, Delacruz views this as not just a redemption story but as an ongoing chapter in her life—one that she is eager to share, especially with the next generation of athletes.

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