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Voters in Houston County come out for last day of early voting

Here's why some Central Georgia voters turned out to cast their ballot early

HOUSTON COUNTY, Ga. — The scanners at the early voting polling places are now shut off. After three weeks, your chance to vote early is over. 

You can still cast your ballot on Tuesday to settle state, local, and federal races.

Friday got off to a slow start, but over at the Central Georgia Technical College things pick up around lunch time, and were steady through the end of the day. One poll worker shared it was one of their largest turn-outs in the last three weeks.

Across Houston County, each voter was greeted with instructions, before they could make their selections. 

However, before that even starts, Stephen Dupuis said there was another important step. 

"Usually I go through before hand and study each person running and see what my thoughts and values align to," Dupuis said. 

He voted early, since he's going out of town. However other came out for the more standard reason. 

"To beat the election day rush" John Jenkins said. 

He came to get his vote out of the way, while showing his daughter some of the ropes. 

He says the local judges race, was one he found interest voting in. 

"They impact us more so I think than the federal election," Jenkin shared. 

The county also has a big race for the Sheriff's office seat. Four republican candidates are vying for the seat.

-  Will Kendall

-  Jimmy Dunn

- Slate Simons

- Matt Moulton

Arthur Harris is the only democratic candidate running. 

"It will greatly impact me and my family, so I think the opportunity to choose the correct sheriff as our next sheriff is a very important task," he shared. 

Several voters said they didn't come for a specific race, but felt they all held weight. 

"Every office that's run for is extremely important and I feel like I've done my part by coming out to vote," Ernest Jones shared. 

Jones was part of the around 8,000 people that took advantage of early in-person voting in the county. 

"Very small turnout, but I hope its not indicative of what's going to happen in November," he said. 

The Secretary of States website shows over 900 people requested an absentee ballot, but so far just over 500 have been turned in. 

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