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Telfair State Prison hiring 32 correctional officers

Telfair State Prison is looking for correctional officers. That's the the same prison where officer Larry Stell was murdered by an inmate in 2012.

Telfair State Prison is looking for correctional officers. That's the the same prison where officer Larry Stell was murdered by an inmate in 2012.

Warden of the prison, Phil Hall, calls Stell's death an "isolated incident," and is encouraging people to apply for their 32 openings.

Hall says right now the facility has 200 correctional officers to patrol more than 1,200 inmates.

"Telfair is a level 5 prison, which means we house some of the inmates with the longest sentence," says Hall.

They housed an inmate who murdered officer Stell inside the prison walls nearly 5 years ago.

"What happened to officer Stell was a very isolated incident," says Hall.

Hall says Stell was working in a dormitory when an inmate fatally stabbed him with a "homemade weapon."

"Very rarely does any harm come to an officer," says Hall.

And Hall would know from experience.

"It's my 32-year and I've seen a lot of stuff happen, but it's dangerous inside a prison and it's dangerous outside," says Hall.

Hall says inside his prison, beginning officers make more than $31,000, and after the first year, that salary increases to above $34,000.

According to Hall, it's a good job for "young people." Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have a high school diploma or GED. They must also pass a drug test and background check.

"All we can do is preach safety, and job security, and to be cautious. We've got things in place to keep everybody safe as long as everybody is doing their job, not taking any short cuts, not getting complacent," says Hall.

Hall says the job ultimately helps the community, by keeping offenders locked away.

For more information on how to apply to be a correctional officer at Telfair State Prison, click here.

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