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Telfair County battles through 'fires, gas leaks (and) car wrecks' in attempts to recover after Hurricane Helene

County EMA Director Lee Conner said his team has spent the last 72 hours responding to emergencies, including fires, gas leaks and road cleanup.

TELFAIR COUNTY, Ga. — Hurricane Helene hit Telfair County hard. 

Their Emergency Management Agency Director Lee Conner said he and his team have spent the last 72 hours responding to several emergencies. including fires, gas leaks and road cleanup. He said they are far from being done.

They've confirmed one person is dead after having a heart attack while cutting up storm debris at his home. Conner’s team has also responded to four fires.

Jatori Powell is one of many residents in Telfair County who didn't expect Helene to do so much damage.

"I thought the storm going to be just a little rain, but for the most part is actually something serious," he said.

The entire town is still without power and cellphone service, and there's no telling when it will be back. 

Conner said 911 calls have temporarily been rerouted to Dodge County because most Telfair's landlines don't work. He said people have no way of calling for help, so it's difficult locating those in need.

"Between fires, gas leaks (and) car wrecks, we've been very busy and all with having communication and 911 issues," Conner said.

Communication isn't the only thing down in the county. Conner said many roads are blocked by large fallen trees and power lines, which is making it hard for people around town to get around.

However, Telfair resident Chuck Harrelson maneuvered around the road wreckage to see what's left of his business, Quality Tire Service. He said he's been running it for the last 26 years, and although the building was old, it's hard to see it in such bad shape.

"I hate it,” Harrelson said. “I don't know what we're going to do about it."

Conner said his team will continue focusing their efforts on making sure people are okay and, in the meantime, people should try to stay off the roads. He said they have no idea when power and cellphone service in the area will be restored.

Conner said Telfair County is far from recovering. Between struggling to respond to emergencies and sheer amount of damage, Telfair residents are overwhelmed.

"We are really just overwhelmed,” he said. “I've never seen anything so devastating. Never thought I would, especially in Middle Georgia. You can't go down a road, you can't go down a street that doesn't have a tree down or a power line down."

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