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School of the week: Crawford County Middle High School

Over the summer, Crawford County students noticed their community lacked access to fresh produce, and they are working to fill the gap with homegrown veggies.

ROBERTA, Ga. — For this week's school of the week, we're celebrating a central Georgia school that's seen a growing problem in their community - limited access to fresh foods.

Katie Moncrief is a senior at Crawford County Middle High School.  She grew up going outside her hometown of Roberta to just get fresh food and produce. 

That's because the county lacked stores that sell fresh produce.

"It has been a big hassle my entire life, having to go to the grocery store that's almost an hour away every week," says Moncrief.

A grant is providing the school's FFA team and agriculture students with supplies to sprout locally grown produce for people in Crawford.

"You could text us or call us and say do you have any of this and we can provide it instead of you having to drive 30 or 40 minutes," explained AG teacher Kaelynn Hankins.

They received the $1,000 grant in October. Hankins says they will use it to buy supplies to build raised beds and the construction class will build the beds.

"We're going to start off with 10 raise beds and as the years go on we'll add more," says Hankins.

They plan on placing the beds around the school and start producing food.

"It will help improve a healthy living style, and also give them a sense of comfort that we have somewhat security as far as fresh produce," says Hankins.

"We can show the people of Roberta we can do that for them. I think that's a really good thing," says Moncrief.

They plan on growing hardy vegetables than can be outside in harsher weather like carrots, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, and carrots.

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