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School of the Week: Alexander II Magnet School's STEMulating young minds in the STEM Olympics

The school is shaping the minds of its students from their imagination through innovation.

MACON, Georgia — If  E = mc^2, then Alexander II Magnet School's Einstein's are magnificent creators!

As the only STEM-certified school in Bibb County, Alexander II Magnet School is STEM-ulating minds through its STEM-focused curriculum.

The school is shaping the minds of its students from their imagination through innovation.

Right now, every grade level at the school is competing for a gold medal in the STEM Olympics.

In Pollyana Roe's STEMath Lab, fifth graders are creating BMX models out of supplies found in the classroom, like foam, painter's tape and boxes.

After observing Olympians go through their courses, the students created models after picking up on what could be improved. 

"A biker had wiped down on the track, so they were like the track's too bumpy, too curvy," Roe said. "So, we asked, how can we make a safer track? They started with using a marble run."

In one group, Madison Harris, Latham Pittman, Princess Hannah and Bryson Paul collaborated on their BMX track.

"We used the table as our stand and boxes to help it stay up," Madison said.

For every problem the Einsteins face, they're thinking like protons — and staying positive.

"We ran out of materials so we used our notebooks and laptops," student Madison says.

Powered by their STEMergy, Josie White, Ken Orozco, Arriendam Singh, Christian Tate, Bethany Borage-Faulk and Christopher Powell tested their tracks multiple times to see if their marble could improve how quickly they could get their marble across their track.

Their highest score was 0.64 of a second.

"We didn't press [the timer] early or late, that's the legit time!" Bethany said excitedly.

The goal of Roe's STEMath Lab and the STEM-focused curriculum is to "engage and experience the learning, not just hear about the learning or seeing the learning, but they're actually doing the learning."

Congratulations to 13WMAZ's School of the Week: Alexander II Magnet School!

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