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'Severe accident' left a Washington County deputy paralyzed. Now, the community's rallying to support him

On June 3, Deputy Gordon Alley crashed into a tree during a car chase. That accident left him paralyzed— and there's still uncertainty about his future.

SANDERSVILLE, Ga. — The Washington County community is preparing for a benefit in honor of a deputy injured on duty.

On June 3, Deputy Gordon Alley crashed into a tree during a car chase. That accident left him paralyzed— and there's still uncertainty about his future.

"Accidents occur all the time, normally everybody's fine, banged up." Lt. Daryll "Tripp" Alley said. "But, on this particular night, it was a severe accident."

He was going to provide backup to another deputy that had performed a pit maneuver that’s when Alley lost control

He successfully stopped the car, but crashed into the tree during it.

"At that moment we didn't know how bad it was," Usry said.

It left Alley with a broken shoulder, cracked ribs and no feeling from his waist down, according to the sheriff's office. But, he's in recovery at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta.

"Time can heal it, we're still hopeful, it'll be a long recovery process," Usry said.

Alley is a husband and father of a 13-year-old daughter.

While he's taking leave to heal, his colleagues have his back in more ways than one.

"You miss anybody that you lose, and you really miss the people who show up to work everyday," Usry said.

They're hosting a fundraiser Friday June 28; it's organized by the sheriff's office, Chaplin Scott Furguson, Commissioner Doug Watkins, Commissioner Bobby Jackson, Tax Commissioner Elect Neil Pittman and Dean Harper.

His community's rallying straight from the heart to support him by serving lunch at the Direct Furniture Outlet in Sandersville.

"If it was me, just knowing how many people were looking after me, making donations, thinking about me, it'd be moving," Usry said.

"Him, being able to do what he's been doing for 20-25 years, hangs in the balance of whether or not if this injury heals or not," Capt. Kelly Collins said. "If it turns out he's not able to come back, what can he do and what can we do to help him."

There are plates of food available for purchase which will support Alley's recovery efforts at Friday's fundraiser.

Donations can also be made at the George D. Warthen Bank; you can ask to donate to the "Donation Account for Gordon Alley."

Chief Deputy Mark McGraw is accepting donations on Alley's behalf at $deputymcgraw and through Venmo: @wcso435 

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