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North Carolina pastor continues to improve, one year after doctors delivered unthinkable news

One year ago, doctors said Ryan Marlow was brain dead and prepared him for organ donation. Today, he continues to get stronger, at home, with his family by his side.

NORTH WILKESBORO, N.C. โ€” In August 2022, Ryan Marlow was hospitalized after a listeria diagnosis. 

In the days following, complications led doctors to believe that he was brain dead. 

Doctors scheduled Ryan for surgery to donate his organs. 

Moments before the surgery was set to begin, his wife, Megan Marlow, noticed movement as she played videos of their three children. 

"I just kind of cleared everybody out of the room and I told him, and I said, 'If you're in there, you've got to fight because I'm getting ready to stop everything and I'm going to fight out here, so you have to fight in there and he did," Megan said. 

Doctors called off the surgery and later discovered that there was blood flow to the brain and he was not brain dead. 

Megan continued to advocate for her husband. Ryan underwent months of rehabilitation and came home in the spring of 2023. 

In the weeks following, friends and family welcomed him back home. 

For so many, it was the first time they had seen Ryan since he was in the hospital. 

A drive-by welcome celebration brought friends, church members, and even strangers from near and far to cheer on Ryan in his recovery. 

On Easter Sunday, Ryan was able to return to Grace Baptist Church for the first time since his diagnosis. 

Although he was not able to deliver the sermon, Ryan was able to worship with his church family, once again. 

Ryan continues to recover at home with his wife and family by his side. 

On August 12, Ryan and Megan were able to celebrate their 17th wedding anniversary. 

August 27, 2023, on the one-year anniversary that doctors delivered the unthinkable news to his family, Ryan continues to defy the odds, at home with his family.

They even celebrated on Sunday with confetti and color-powder bombs.

In a post on social media, Megan said, "I'm thankful that one year later, it's still an anniversary but we don't have to live in the sorrow of what we thought it would be. I am beyond grateful that the Lord stepped in. I don't know why he chose Ryan to go on this journey. I don't know why He chose our family to be put on display. But nevertheless, we still praise Him. And we wait with holy anticipation for all that the Lord is going to do."

Can you tell whatโ€™s special about this video? Check out that LEFT leg! ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป On the Eve of an anniversary tomorrow (a day I will never forget, even though Iโ€™d like to), Iโ€™d say this is an excellent thing to share with the world.๐Ÿฅฐ

Posted by Ryan's Recovery on Saturday, August 26, 2023

On the Ryan's Recovery Facebook page, Megan posts regular updates about his recovery. 

She says that Ryan's stamina continues to improve. 

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, supplements, and a new diet have been a big help in recent months. 

With the help of therapists, Ryan has also been able to stand, out of his wheelchair and his muscles continue to get stronger. 

Megan says Ryan will be working with a Lite Gate system over the coming weeks to assist with taking steps. 

Throughout his recovery, Ryan has also regained 20 pounds which he had lost as a result of the illness. 

Ryan has gained enough strength to kick a ball once again. 

He has also developed the ability to occasionally come off the trach that helps him to breathe. 

"He's getting stronger, and if he walks away with different limitations here and there, then that's OK, that's OK. We have Ryan," Megan said. 

One of the things Megan consistently says her husband is looking forward to is being able to speak and preach before his church family. Sharing the grace that God has given him throughout this journey. 

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