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Police learning new public safety tactics

Instructors at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center said they stress officer safety in their training courses. Georgia's Public Safety Training Center is changing the way they teach officer safety training.

Instructors at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center said they stress officer safety in their training courses. Georgia's Public Safety Training Center is changing the way they teach officer safety training.

The traditional response in a shooting scene is for officers to cover and conceal themselves, but Officer Shawn Knight said they've learned they need to do more. “When people are out there randomly shooting, you have to get out there and stop that threat,” said Officer Knight.

Officer Knight said if you are a police officer and you have to neutralize a situation, you are required to shoot between the neck and the waist. “It’s policy,” said Knight. “You have to shoot in the largest area of mass.”

Every day, Forsyth Police Officer Johnny Middlebrooks takes the risk of getting shot himself. He had mixed reactions when he heard about the shooting in Dallas. “It was hurtful to see the climate that we are in today,” said Middlebrooks. “But the way the officers were sticking together and fighting through everything that was going on is good to see.”

Middlebrooks takes classes at the training center in Forsyth to make sure he's safe in the field. One thing he learned is to always watch his surroundings. “Just stay vigilant,” said Middlebrooks. “But don't go out thinking that everyone we deal with wants to hurt us.”

Officer Knight said in dangerous situations, it’s OK for officers to be a little afraid. “You're going to be afraid, but you have to embrace that,” said Officer Knight. “Know that there are things out there that can happen to us. We just have to mitigate those circumstances by not taking unnecessary risks.”

Police Officer Safety Training is offered at the Georgia Public Safety Training Center in Forsyth and online. For more information about training courses and programs, visit https://www.gpstc.org/.

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