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Monroe County's new Superintendent Jim Finch talks challenges and strengths

Jim Finch has taught school, coached, and served as a principal.

FORSYTH, Ga. — This August, when kids go back to school, they will have a new superintendent in Monroe County.

The school board appointed Jim Finch Tuesday.

We chatted with him about challenges and strengths as he takes over the top education spot in one of Central Georgia's top-rated school systems.

"In Monroe County, education matters here, and not just to me -- it matters to our parents, to our students, to our faculty, it matters to our real estate agents, it matters to our development authority," he stated.

As Jim Finch gets ready to start the new school year as the superintendent, he knows he's got to keep Monroe County one of the top school districts in the state.

"When business comes in here, the first thing out of their mouth is, 'How are the public schools?' because probably 93 percent of their employees' children will go to public school," Finch explained.

And that brings up the next challenge --  growth.

Monroe County had about 4,500 students last year, and they've averaged about 100 new faces coming in every August.

"It used to be a push from Bibb, but now, we're seeing more Henry County people moving here," he calculated.

Finch will oversee a lot of construction projects with the ESPLOST that people voted in last November. One of those is to build a college and career academy and freshman campus

"We're about to build a new field house and some stadium enhancements here. People like updated, modern facilities, whether that's a school facility or an athlete facility," he surmised.

The 54-year-old says he has a passion for education and his resume shows it.

He not only talks the talk, but he also walks the walk and may have empathy for the key component in education -- teachers.

"I've taught math for 10 years at a high school, I was an assistant principal for two years, I was a high school principal for 16 years, I was a coach for 12 years, so I've done a little bit of everything," he said with a smile.

He has a ginormous calendar that he keeps in his office, a sign that he's always looking forward to a bright future.

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