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New Dooly school board to be appointed

Governor Nathan Deal has named a committee to replace the Dooly County School Board after suspending its current members.

Governor Nathan Deal has named a committee to replace the Dooly County School Board after suspending its current members.

Theresa Young graduated from Dooly County High, but now as a mom, she's the president of the school’s band booster club.

Over the years, she’s had some concerns about the way the school board handled things.

“They show favoritism, there was a lot of bickering going on, and they didn’t give the superintendent the support that she needed,” Young said.

The State Board of Education and Governor Nathan Deal say that's why they removed the board.

“The board is not stable enough to make decisions. We need a new board,” Young said.

That’s what Dooly County is going to get with the help of a committee appointed by Deal.

“If we look at this, the bottom line is the children are the victim and something has to be done,” Pastor Gregory McClendon said.

He is one of the people searching for the perfect people to join the new board. He'll work with State Representative Patty Bentley and four others.

They already have an idea of the kind of people they are looking for.

“It's very important that, going forward, we find board members that are willing to come in without any personal vendettas, people that are willing to get in and go to work immediately focusing on children, focusing on curriculum and academics, putting all those things first,” Bentley said.

Young says that's what Dooly County needs.

“My main concern are the kids,” Young said. “Are the kids getting a good education and being able to go to college and say, 'Well, I’m from Dooly County'?”

Bentley says she plans to recommend keeping the two new members that were elected for the first time earlier this month.

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