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Milledgeville deadly snake hunt continues

The DNR says they haven't found the snake yet, but are continuing two to three patrols daily, looking for it.
This is the gaboon viper that reported seen two days ago in Milledgeville.

Freddie Hartry says he's lived in Milledgeville his whole life.

But he says ever since a deadly gaboon viper was reportedly seen last week, people are nervous.

"It shocked the whole neighborhood. You know, it's a dangerous thing," he said. "Right now, the neighborhood, they're still watching, they still looking."

Sgt. Bo Kelly with the Department of Natural Resources, says they haven't found the snake yet, but are continuing two to three patrols daily, looking for it.

Vedie Albright, a nurse manager at Oconee Regional Medical Center, says if the snake bites someone, the hospital would have to ask for a special antivenom from the Atlanta Zoo.

"We have plenty of antivenom here, but it's for American snakes," said Albright,"The problem with this gaboon viper is that it's an African snake, and since it's not native to Georgia, no one keeps it in stock except for the Atlanta Zoo."

That exchange could take up to an hour.

While the DNR states the viper's venom could kill a person in 15 minutes, Albright says that depends on certain factors, like where the bite was, and how big the person is.

She says if anyone finds the snake, they should stay a good distance away.

"The times that people get bitten are if they try to handle the snake or if they step on him or surprise him. He's not able to strike like a rattlesnake does," said Albright.

For Hartry, his main concern is keeping his nieces and nephews out of harm's way.

"I talked to them and I educate them and I tell them you know, don't go in the backyard, don't go nowhere where bushes are at, stay in the front," he said.

The Department of Natural Resources says if you see the snake, do not approach it but do call 911.


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