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Mayor Lester Miller proposes property tax decrease, but taxes set to increase. Here's why

While the mayor has control over one set of property taxes, he does not have control over the school system's millage rate which is increasing this year.

MACON, Ga. — Macon-Bibb County has announced a small property tax decrease for next year, according to a press release from Macon-Bibb County. 

But overall, Bibb County property owners will expect to see property taxes increase due to the school system's proposed millage rate. 

The county announced a millage rate that is roughly 2.5% lower than the rollback rate, which is the millage rate that would obtain the same amount of property tax revenue for the county as the previous year. This takes into account fluctuations in property values.

Mayor Lester Miller proposed a millage rate of 9.9 mills for next year. According to county spokesman Chris Floore, that is 0.25 mills below the rollback rate, which was assessed at 10.15 mills.

Last year's millage rate was roughly 10.7 mills. But with the rise in property values in Macon-Bibb County, that 0.823 mill decrease amounts to a roughly 2.5% cut in property tax bills for Macon-Bibb County.

For a person who owns a $100,000 home, they'd expect to pay $10 less a year.

However, the county notes that the new rate still brings in enough funds to pay for salary increases for sheriff's deputies and firefighters along with other funding.

The Macon-Bibb Board of Commissioners is scheduled to vote on the millage rate on Sept. 3 at 6 p.m.

But as the county government proposes a decrease in the millage rate, the Bibb County School District is proposing a property tax increase.

The county and county school system set their own separate millage rates, and the elected school board — not the mayor — has the ultimate say over the school system's property tax rate. 

The Bibb Board of Education proposed keeping the millage rate the same as the year-earlier at 14.674 mils. 

However, with the overall increase in property values, that is still a property tax increase from the Bibb County Board of Education, since it is above the rollback millage rate of 13.886 which would bring in the same amount of property taxes.

That's a roughly 6% property tax increase for school tax bills. If you own a $100,000 home, you can expect to pay an extra $32 a year on your school district taxes.

Combining the county government tax and the school taxes.  a person with a $100,000 home would be on the hook for $22 more in property taxes.

The district says that the additional funds, which would add roughly $4.32 million to the budget, could help support programs along with possibly bolster salaries to better compete with surrounding districts. They also say adopting the rollback rate could imperil millions in state funding as well.

But there are three hearings before the county school system takes a vote.

There will be two meetings from the county school on Sept. 3: One at 11 a.m. and another at 6 p.m. at the Professional Learning Center at 2003 Riverside Drive.

The last public hearing will be held on Sept. 10 at 5 p.m. at the Bibb County Board of Education Central Office at 484. That'll be held in the fourth-floor board room.

Right after the meeting, the Board of Education will vote on final adoption during a 5:30 p.m. meeting. 

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