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Houston Healthcare: Provider may have exposed 90 people to coronavirus

30 of those people potentially exposed to the virus were other healthcare workers

KATHLEEN, Ga. — Around 90 people were potentially exposed to coronavirus by a healthcare worker at the Lake Joy Med Stop last week.

According to Kevin Rowley, a Houston Healthcare spokesman, the person who tested positive traveled to the west coast about a week before they started experiencing symptoms.

Rowley says the healthcare worker was working at the Lake Joy Med Stop on March 12 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and again on March 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The worker went home Friday because they started experiencing symptoms of coronavirus.

Rowley says the person still has symptoms but they are decreasing.

In that two-day time frame, it’s believed that the healthcare worker potentially exposed 60 patients and 30 other healthcare workers to the virus.

Two Med Stops have reopened Thursday. The Lake Joy location is still closed, but it’s expected to re-open in a day or two as they deep clean the facility.

Houston Healthcare says they are working closely with officials from the North Central Health District to provide appropriate patient and employee follow up.

"Our epidemiologist is working with the individual to establish a history of close contacts," Michael Hokanson with the North Central Health District said.

The best way to protect against COVID-19 is to practice germ prevention:

• Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water a not available, us an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

• Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth with unwashed hands. • Avoid close contact with people who are ill.

• Stay home when you are sick.

• Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue, then dispose of the tissue. If a tissue is not available, use the inside of your elbow to cover yourself.

• Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch objects and surfaces.

Healthcare facilities are working with the Georgia Public Health Laboratory and private labs to process tests. 

NCHD’s 13 county health departments do not offer testing at this time. 

If you have symptoms of COVID-19, call your healthcare provider before visiting the location.


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FACTS NOT FEAR | At 13WMAZ, we’re focusing our news coverage on the facts and not the fear around the coronavirus. To see our full coverage, visit our site section here: www.13wmaz.com/Coronavirus

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