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Houston County firefighters hold boot drive to help Chief Williams fight cancer

Dozens of firefighters lined up outside of stores and restaurants to hold a boot drive to try to help with William's hospital bills.

Firefighters from all around Houston County came together Friday to raise money for Houston County Chief Jimmy Williams who's been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer.

Dozens of firefighters lined up outside of stores and restaurants to hold a boot drive to try to help with Williams' hospital bills.

Scott Stiglitz says it means the world to see the outpouring of support from people in the community.

The firefighters say it's important to band together when one of their own needs help.

"We're a family, whether or not it's within Warner Robins Fire Department or any fire department, really, it's a brotherhood -- it extends beyond the guys in the station but to our families and spouses as well," firefighter engineer Scott Stiglitz says.

Stiglitz says they don't have a set goal but any amount helps.

If you would like to donate, click here.

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