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'Everybody likes to feel needed': House Bill 520 could help hire people with disabilities to help fix the labor shortage

State senator Sally Harrell says 7,000 Georgians with disabilities are currently on a wait list for services through a Medicaid program.

MACON, Ga. — A chronic workforce shortage has impacted people living with disabilities and the people who care for them. 

State Senator Sally Harrell says 7,000 Georgians with disabilities are currently on a wait list for services through a Medicaid program.

"I think Georgia just hasn't built up that structure of looking at how do we get these people to work, and what kind of supports do they need to maintain that employment," Harrell said.

House Bill 520 could expand employment opportunities for folks living with developmental disabilities and take the burden off of over-worked caregivers. 

Senator Harrell says the bill encourages companies to hire more people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

"Everybody likes to feel needed. Everybody wants to feel wanted. This is a good way to get them out in the community earning their own income," Harrell said. 

Katrina Spooner is the chief administrative officer at The Arc Macon.

"One of the biggest things is the employers just not having the understanding of the benefits of hiring someone with disabilities. Seeing more of the barriers rather than the assets," Spooner said.

The Arc Macon is a full service provider for adults with disabilities that helps them build job skills to get hired. 

Spooner says many of the workers they've helped have been employed for more than five years.

But they need the Medicaid waiver to get the help they need.

"Could be a huge benefit to the people we support. As well as the future people we hope to support. When more people get the waiver and this opportunity to work in our community," Spooner said.

The governor's recently-signed budget will expand the slots for the Medicaid program so more people who are disabled can pay for agencies like The Arc to help get the ball rolling. 

House Bill 520 could still pass this legislative session.

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