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'Stuff is going on': Jones County deputy searches for paranormal activity in Central Georgia

Deputy Matthew Dennis likes to investigate suspicious ghostly matter in the county.

GRAY, Ga. — There's something spooky going on in central Georgia and one deputy in Jones County is willing to find out.

When Jones County Sheriff made a statement on their Facebook page about finding the scariest places in the county, they elected Dennis as the "in-house paranormal expert." 

Matthew Dennis started looking into the spirits of homes, buildings, and woods in 2014. When he was responding to a call in Putnam County, that's when he saw something. 

"The only way I could describe it was a demon dog."

Dennis was fond of shows like Ghost Adventures and X-files, which made him more inclined in investigating what was out there.

Some places he's been to see if there was spiritual matter are the Central State Hospital and the Tate House in Milledgeville. He's also been to abandon correctional facilities where he describes having "chilly bumps" down his arm. He says something suspicious is going on.

"When multiple people say ' hey you need to check out this house, you need to go to this graveyard, you need to go over here, come talk to me.' I believe," Dennis said.

With his body camera, electronic voice phenomenon, and DSLR camera he's able to know if something is or was out there while responding to a call.

"It's believed that the spirits can communicate with you."

Dennis said he's received multiple calls from people suspected of having paranormal activity in their area. He was told the Lake Jonesco Golf Course and the government building has something spooky going on. 

Dennis takes this seriously and says if you believe something is going on in your area of Jones County, to reach out to him at matthew.dennis@jcsheriff.org.

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