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Learn more about Georgia agribusiness at the fair in Perry including the baby barn

Agribusiness is Georgia's leading industry. Bringing in $74 Billion every year.

PERRY, Ga. — Throughout the fair high school students from across the state show their animals-like goats, sheep, cows, and of course--PIGS!

Agribusiness is Georgia's leading industry. Bringing in $74 Billion every year.

You can learn more about the industry and the animals behind it at the baby barn.

The barn offers kids and grown-ups a hands-on experience.

If your timing is right, you might even get to see a baby cow being born!

Lee Lancaster is a marketing specialist with the Georgia department of agriculture.

"We want one calf born a day. When we got to four yesterday that was huge." Lancaster says.

He says since 2018, Georgia grown has allowed visitors to witness new life at the fairgrounds.

Any time of the day, you can see live agricultural production. From feeding piglets to a live cow birth.

If you would like to witness the birth of a calf or piglet, the Baby Farm is open every day of the fair from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.


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