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'All day, everyday': Folks on Morgan Drive say speeding cars are driving them crazy

Signs entering Morgan Drive say the speed limit is 25 and there are children at play. However, folks here say cars rarely drive at the speed limit.

MACON, Ga. — Most folks would say they know someone who speeds a little while out on the road. However, neighbors who live on Morgan Road in Macon say a lot of them seem to come through their neighborhood and it's driving them crazy!

Signs entering Morgan Drive say the speed limit is 25 and there are children at play. However, folks here say cars rarely drive at the speed limit.

"All day, everyday, and all night as well! My name is Dominique. I live on Morgan Drive and it's driving me crazy!"

Dominique Stroud, her husband, and four kids have lived here for just over a year. 

"The cars that do come down the street, they come extremely fast,” Stroud said.

She says her kids love to play. Stroud says the houses here don't have much of a front yard, and the speeding makes her nervous.

"It's not that they can't play, it's really dangerous for them to play. So, I try to keep them in the backyard," she said.

Stroud says a lot of people here walk and deserve to feel safe. 

"That needs to be changed. Something needs to be done about that,” she said.

Macon-Bibb's traffic engineer, Nigel Floyd, says this isn’t the first time they’ve heard complaints on Morgan Drive.

"We'll just go back out there and conduct another speed study,” he said. "Back in 2018, we had some complaints about speeding on Morgan Drive, and we did a speed study on Morgan Drive.”

Floyd says the results showed most drivers did not exceed 10 miles over the posted speed limit. 

So, no speed humps were installed. 

"So, what we did, we added additional speed limit signs along with children at play signs,” Floyd said.

He says they'll install traffic counters for a week. They'll track how many cars use the street each day and how fast they travel.

"If the study shows that it's not a speeding problem, then we don't recommend speeding humps. However, under engineering judgment-- if I feel like speed humps are required, then I can recommend they go in,” Floyd said.

He says those speed humps after the speed study would only be installed if a petition is signed by over 70% of the neighborhood. 

Floyd says their department will try to conduct the study in the next month. 

If something is driving you crazy, we'd love to hear from you. Just send us an email at news@13wmaz.com with the subject ‘Driving Me Crazy!’. 

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