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First Lady of Georgia Sandra Deal visits Bibb Co. Schools to read to kids

Deal says she hopes her visit can inspire them to pick up a book or two.

Bibb County students got a special surprise Thursday.

First Lady of Georgia Sandra Deal visited three elementary schools, spending time reading to children.

Deal says she hopes her visit can inspire them to pick up a book or two.

She says whether it's a book about magic or a biography, she wants students to expand their minds and work on their writing.

Deal says her goal is to help open up their possibilities for the future.

"If they're good students, they can eventually move on into good jobs, and that's what our goal is for them, because when we bring jobs to Georgia, we don't want all of those jobs to be filled by people from other states. We want our Georgia people to have those jobs, but that means we need a good educated workforce," she says.

Mrs. Deal visited Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Elementary, Williams Elementary, and Alexander II Magnet School.

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