WARNER ROBINS, Ga. — The crew at Studio Powers in Warner Robins is packing their bags to travel to the sunny city of Orlando, Florida to compete in a 7-day national dance competition.
It is called The Dance Awards, and it recognizes dancers by bringing talent from across the nation together to compete in up to 30 different dance categories.
La'niya Fooks is a straight-A student at Warner Robins High School and is involved in numerous activities both in and out of school. La'Fonta Fooks said her daughter enjoys art, is active in beta club and does community service.
A big part of La'niya Fooks' life is dance.
"Dancing isn't an easy sport. The conditioning and all of the work is hard to deal with, but if you love it that much then you just push through it," La'niya said.
She and other students from Powers Dance Studio are headed to Orlando to compete in The Dance Awards.
She'll compete in more than one category, but the most important is the solo dance competition.
"When they are there and they are getting noticed by these professionals... it's just a phenomenal thing. You would be surprised how many opportunities they have," Jasmine Powers, who is the owner of the studio, said.
In addition to the endless opportunities, scholarship money is also on the line and Fooks's coach is confident she will do well.
"Throughout the season she has placed between the top 10 of hundreds of kids, so she's on the right track and doing a phenomenal job," Powers said.
Fooks is excited about the competition, and can't believe how far her passion for dance has brought her.
"I kind of feels unreal about how far I've come but I'm really proud of myself of what I've accomplished in the past few years I've been with them," she said.
The national dance awards competition started Friday, July 1st, and runs until Saturday, July 9th.
If you would like to support Fooks on her journey to Orlando, check out her Facebook fundraisers link.