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Cleanup still to be done along the river after flooding

After the weekend brought flooding to parts of Central Georgia, debris is left to be cleaned up.

The Ocmulgee River in Macon flooded over its banks last weekend, putting the Ocmulgee Heritage Trail off of Gray Highway underwater. 

The following week graced us with plenty of sunshine, but not enough to dry out the ground. By Friday, the ground still remains soft and saturated. 

However, the mushy ground isn't the only thing left behind from the flooding. 

Cans, bottles, and lots of debris line the trails and riverbanks left to be cleaned.

Parks and Beautification Director Sam Kitchens says they plan to have crews out by some time next week to clean up the parks and trails when things finally start to dry out.

But another group who regularly holds events to clean the river, Float Daze, added another get-together to the list to help relieve the parks from the mess left behind after flooding.

"I mean, there's trash littered on all of the riverbanks, every trail, covered just from the flood. It's not that it's left there, so we are going to get out there on February 2nd and get it all out," Float Daze President Robert Jackson said.

The event on February 2nd will be held at noon and kick off at the White Pavilion at Amerson Park.

Jackson said everyone is welcome to come, just bring a trash bag. 

He says he hopes lots of people come out to get our river cleaned up. 

"I want to get as many people involved in this as possible. It's our community and nobody else is going to do it," Jackson continued, "If we want to enjoy it, then we gotta come out here and take care of it."

Now we just have to hope the weather holds up for it.

If you have any additional questions about the event, head over to the Float Daze Facebook page.

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