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Central Georgia parents, churches ready for the return of in-person VBS programs

Most programs last summer opted to cancel or move to a virtual format

MACON, Ga. — Churches in Central Georgia are preparing to welcome children back into their classrooms for a summer tradition -- vacation bible school (VBS). Last year, most were canceled or went online.

Mary Thomas sends her kids to VBS every year and thinks it's important to introduce her kids to new churches and programs.

"I want them to know they are welcome in more than one place," said Thomas.

This year, she registered all three of her kids in two separate vacation bible school programs.

"That will be exciting for them to interact, because they are just leaving school, said Thomas. "We wanted them to be around more like-minded children, who are learning about God and having Christ-centered expectations for their future."

In June, they'll attend both Central City Church's and Riverside United Methodist Church's VBS programs.

According to Central City Church's children's director, Chelsea Bavaro, they're welcoming kids going into kindergarten through the sixth grade.

"Where they are learning who they are in him, but there are also going to be fun games and activities. One of the games is we are going to have like a watermelon roll down the hill and they are going to have a watermelon race, so the kids are going to have a blast," said Bavaro.

Just down the road at Riverside United Methodist Church, VBS director Andria Magallano says kids ages four through 12 are welcome. 

"It's going to be 80s themed with 80 styles and 80s music," said Magallano. "Let the children have the very best summer instead of just regular 'ole VBS."

It's an in-person opportunity that Thomas' kids didn't have in 2020.

"It's nice for them to meet other children who want to go to bible school and want to learn more," said Thomas.

Both programs will have COVID-19 precautions in place. Central City Church will be offering hand sanitizer, volunteers will be wearing masks, and all snacks will be pre-packaged. Riverside United Methodist Church will also be wearing masks inside and taking temperatures.

Both programs are free. The registration link for Riverside United Methodist Church can be found here. The registration link for Central City Church can be found here; and if you register before May 22, you will get a free t-shirt.


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