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It's time to get your blueberry bushes ready for spring. Here's what you need to know

Spring is right around the corner and there are a few things you can do to get Georgia's #1 berry primed and ready for the season.

MACON, Ga. — While Georgia is known as the Peach State, its top crop is actually the blueberry and they'll be blooming before you know it! Even though it may not feel like it, spring will be here in less than two months.

While we wait for the warmer weather and for flowers and berries to sprout back to life, there are a few things you can do to get those blueberry bushes ready to go.

This time of year, you can start to split your blueberry bushes that went dormant in the winter by separating the shoots that grow from the original plant and potting them in some soil.

According to Gardening Know How, a quick, light frost wont hurt the plant, but a deep freeze will.

Here in the South, late November to early March is when to get splitting done, but with how cold we have been lately, I would hold off just a little longer just to be safe.

According to Georgia Grown, Georgia's slightly acidic soil is perfect for the berries.

When it comes to our winters, our shorter and more mild ones provide just enough chill hours for the berry.

When it comes to growing season, our warm weather-filled springs and summers make our climate the perfect recipe to bring blueberries to the top of the production list.

As always, we want to see what you're working on in your garden and if you're getting it ready for the spring time. Send us those photos to 472-752-1309 and you might see some photos in a future Backyard Garden segment.

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