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'Blood is the gift of life': Donations still needed during the holiday season to save lives

A regular flow of blood donors is crucial to keep hospitals prepared in case of emergencies.

MACON, Ga. — Many people are getting ready to take a break for the holidays but the need for blood never takes a break.

A regular flow of blood donors is crucial to keep hospitals prepared in case of emergencies.

Brenda Craw says her husband Bert was a father, husband and veteran. Before he passed in 2019, he was diagnosed with artery and vein malformation. A condition that caused him to lose blood.

"He was losing blood daily," she said.

Bert turned to getting blood transfusions. He would get three to four transfusions a month. Sometimes he faced uncertainty on if he would be able to get blood transfusions.

"There was always a concern there might be a shortage or someone else might need it more than him," Craw said.

Now she helps hold blood drives because she's thankful for the strangers who donated the same blood that helped her husband.

"Blood is the gift of life," Craw said.

During a time when many are on break the need for blood is never on break. The Red Cross says there tends to be lower availability of donors during the holidays because of a perfect storm of vacations, holiday activities, seasonal illnesses and school breaks.

"You never know when you'll need blood," Craw said.

The Red Cross also says every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. That includes cancer patients, babies born prematurely, and people with chronic diseases.

"It can mean the differences between life or death actually," Craw said.

She is hosting a blood drive at The Well at Centerville on Dec. 18. You can always check The Red Cross website for other donation dates and locations. 

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