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'This is my passion' | Bibb County Schools Campus Officer honored for mentoring students

Officer Angelo Bellamy is inspired by Officer Earl Evans and looks forward to carrying his legacy. His goal is to become the Bibb County Campus Police Chief.

MACON, Ga. — A Bibb County Campus Police Officer has earned a special award for his dedication to mentoring and motivating students. 

His name is Officer Angelo Bellamy and he was presented with the first-ever Earl Evans Award, who was a Bibb County Campus Police Officer for over 20 years. 

After serving the country in the Air Force and then later serving his community, Officer Earl Evens died in 2021. Now, an award has been named in his honor.

Bellamy was awarded after taking on a reading program three years ago at Southfield and Hartley Elementary Schools.

He teaches kids from kindergarten to high school and he finds it important to mentor them on leadership and working hard at achieving their goals.

"They make an impact on me as well just as I make an impact on them," Bellamy said.

Bellamy currently works at Southwest High School and he says the bout how the Earl Evans Award is incredibly important.

"When I was presented with the award it was a shock," Bellamy said. "I'm still in awe actually today because it's such an honor. When I was first hired, just hearing his name and all the stories that came behind his name and how great of a person he was, I never got the opportunity to meet him but I heard a lot of great stories."

According to Deputy Chief of Campus Police Stephanie Prater she's worked with Officer Evans for more than 20 years and sees a lot of him in Officer Bellamy.

"The work that he does is important," Prater said. "I think people need to understand that it's not just a job but it's a calling and a purpose and I think Officer Bellamy understands his purpose."

Prater helped develop a grade-level reading program for Bibb County schools and introduced the idea to Officer Bellamy. Once it started, it was hard to stop. 

He helps students with their reading and writing, practices sight words with flashcards and has interactive games for the students like word bingo. 

He also mentors high school students and encourages them to achieve their goals through hard work and dedication.

"This is my passion," Bellamy said. "I got in this field to help and to give back not only to the community but to the kids because I know that's what's needed so I pretty much embraced the process."

Officer Bellamy is inspired by Officer Evans. His goal is to become the Bibb County Campus Police Chief one day and says he looks forward to carrying Officer Evan's legacy.

"It means a lot," Bellamy said. "I know he has big shoes to fill and I'm just honored that I'm even walking in that same direction that he walked in so I'm grateful for him and his family."

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