MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — This year the Cottages at Woodland Terrace in Milledgeville got into the Christmas spirit by holding a contest for best Christmas decorations.
Residents that live in the patio homes in the community were challenged to see who could decorate their front yard best.
Previously, there was a mailbox decorating contest each year. It was difficult to have these contests, because everyone would just vote for themselves, according to the staff.
It was determined that the fairest way to judge the best Christmas decorations in front yards would be to have assisted living residents vote to chose the winner.
The administrative staff decided to create a hayride where the residents could sit on bails of hay on a trailer. That way, they could travel through the community to see all they needed to make a decision for the best decorations.
The weather turned out to be colder, so residents followed the float in cars.
After the ride, they all met in the living room, gathering around the fireplace and a decorated Christmas tree. They voted and had a great time, according to the staff.