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Early voting for the presidential election opens in October | Are you registered to vote?

Early voting for the general election begins on Oct. 16.

MACON, Ga. — Jack Ginaldi and Gina Ross came to the board of elections in Macon to make sure Ginaldi was registered to vote. 

They say they live in Statesboro but dropped in to check to see if he was actually registered, since he never got an email confirming he was. Ginaldi says the process of registering was easy.  

"It was just like a basic short application," Ginaldi said. "It probably took like five minutes or so. He said they just ask for your name, driver's license number, that kind of thing."

Ginaldi says he is excited to be able to vote for the first time. He says this is his first election and being able to vote feels special.

"We have the right to choose like our leaders," he said. "It's important because we need to have what the people want. Everybody gets a vote and everybody counts."

Ginaldi says everyone should register to vote especially with the election coming up. He says he will be filling out an absentee ballot.

"I would advise them to try and get educated so that they don't just make a regular choice, and they set up to try to educate themselves and do research," he said.

Thomas Gillon is the Macon-Bibb election supervisor and he said he agrees with Ginaldi. He says the only way to vote is if you are registered, though Gillon sees a problem with getting out the vote.

"We have a very good record in Bibb County for registering voters, [both] younger and older voters," Gillon said. "Getting them out to actually vote is occasionally a challenge, but our registration rates are very good."

He says before voting, you should research both candidates and make sure you have your license and proof of address. 

If you are interested in registering you can go to a local early polling center or go online to National Voter Registration Day.  

You also can go to the Secretary of State website. Early voting starts Oct. 15th and will last for three weeks. 


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