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'I think that it is a good option' | Animal Services finds a solution to overcrowding shelter

Bibb County Sheriff's Office Animal Services is offering free adoptions this month.

MACON, Ga. — We've heard from people concerned that packs of dogs could attack them or their pets.

We've also heard from county leaders, like commissioner-elect Stanley Stewart, that expanding animal services could be something to look into. 

Mayor Lester Miller says it could be an accountability issue.

Bibb's animal services manager says it's "physically impossible" to handle the number of stray or wild dogs roaming the streets right now. However, they may have a solution. 

In East Macon, Phyllis Neal says the dogs in their neighborhoods come and go, but she's not sure where they're coming from. 

"And it just seems like they come from different neighborhoods and sometimes when people move out. If the dog is too big they don't take the dog," Neal said. 

Two weeks ago, we reported Courtney Jordan's teenage son was attacked and bitten by a stray dog on his way to the bus stop. She says she sees about four or five in her neighborhood. 

"And they're big dogs. They're not little dogs. They're like big dogs like pits, rottweilers, Alaskan huskies," Jordan said. 

Jordan says her son has made a full recovery and received his tetanus shot. She says animal services found the dog and put it down. is being tested for any infectious diseases. She says people should call animal services immediately when they see stray animals.

"Because when you wait, they start accumulating. One turns to two, turns to three turns to four and that's what happens here because I've been calling," Jordan said. 

Bibb County Animal Services needs more room to get more dogs off the streets, so their answer; is free animal adoption. Jordan says that may help.

"I think that it is a good option but they do need to make sure that these people are going to keep these dogs," Jordan said. 

13WMAZ reached out to Bibb County Sheriff's Office Animal Services. Animal shelter manager Tracey Weathers. She sent a statement saying: 

"Free adoptions means that animals leave the shelter quicker, with approved adopters. This allows us to pick up more animals in a timely manner. If we are able to adopt out five dogs tomorrow, we can bring another five in from the streets. Responsible pet ownership and spaying/neutering your animals is the bigger solution to the problem.”

Neal has dogs of her own. She hopes others will step up and be responsible pet owners. She says she hates to see the dogs out alone but she can't take anymore in. 

The free pet adoption runs all through September. You can reach out to animal services here.

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