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Agent Dylan Harrison Memorial Park will be unveiled this weekend

Family and community members will come together to dedicate a park in Harrison's memory after he lost his life on the line almost two years ago.

DUDLEY, Ga. — In Dudley, people don't forget about their own. 

"This really hit close to home, with a Dudley boy," Clift Crews said. 

Crews said many people in Dudley, like himself, were heartbroken when they heard the news of Alamo Police Officer Dylan Harrison's death in 2021. 

Members of Harrison's family have lived or currently live in Dudley, and Crews said many people in town still feel the loss today. 

The GBI said Damian Ferguson from Wheeler County ambushed Harrison and shot him in retaliation for arresting a friend. 

Harrison was new to the job, and left behind a wife and child. He may be gone, but in Dudley, Harrison's memory is still alive. 

This Sunday at 3 p.m. a park, Agent Dylan Harrison Memorial Park, will be dedicated in his honor on Highway 338, right across from the Dudley Post Office. 

"We don't wanna forget. We wanna be reminded of his sacrifice, and always remember in a special way," Crews said. 

Crews said many people came together to plan the project about a year ago. At this weekend's dedication, family and friends will speak, and there will be a presentation of the colors. 

Cynthia Ann Stanley said she didn't know Harrison, but heard his story and thought the park was a lovely way to honor him. 

"It was very nice, you know. Something to remember our fallen heroes in the line of duty and I think that was a great thing they decided to do," Ann Stanley said. 

She said she's lived in Dudley for over 30 years, and the community's always came together to support one another. 

"A lot of them come together and help out like during Christmas time. You know they, they give back," Ann Stanley said. 

Crews said the idea for the park came from Harrison's parents, and the unveiling of the project will happen almost two years after the date of his death. 

"It was never a question about if we were gonna do it, it was just when we were gonna get it done. So it was a great, great community project," Crews said. 

Sunday's park dedication is open to the public, and parking is available at Dudley Baptist Church. 

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