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'Americans are here for Americans': Georgia Military Prep students gather in remembrance of 9/11

Students wrote the names of more than 10,000 people who died on 9/11, and in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also reflected on the impact of the day.

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — September 11 this year marks 20 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Georgia Military Prep College gathered Friday to remember the lives lost that day.

The school brought Americans together in tribute for those who died on 9/11. 

Student Mya Hall said it's a day she wants to remember.

"Even though I wasn't born during that time, it means a lot to me that we are being out here and kind of just remembering those people who really just sacrificed and gave their lives to make sure that nothing else like this happens again," said Hall.

President William B. Caldwell IV wants his students to never forget.

"We want the memories of those who gave their lives, especially those first responders in 9/11. We want them to know that there is a feeling of patriotism in support in America, that despite all things you may hear or feel or encounter, that when it comes down to it, Americans are here for Americans," said Caldwell.

"What I am going to take from it is making sure that I stay grateful for what I have and making sure that everyone else is reminded for what they have here," said Hall.

Students wrote the names of more than 10,000 people who died on 9/11, and in Iraq and Afghanistan. They also reflected on the impact of the day.

"For those who gave their lives and sacrificed, I am super-thankful," said Hall.


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