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Georgia sees nation's 2nd-highest influenza rate this season

Nationwide, nearly 90 percent of flu like illnesses have occurred among people between 5 and 24 years old.

MACON, Ga. — We're right in the thick of flu season, and Georgia currently has the second-highest influenza rate in the nation. The CDC says only New Mexico has higher numbers.

We talked with some Central Georgia healthcare providers to learn more about the rise. Piedmont Macon North and Piedmont Macon are starting to see an increase in flu cases. Right now, they say they are seeing more flu than COVID-19 patients.

Spencer Slade grew up with a doctor, his dad.

"We never had to call people when we were sick, so that was really nice," Slade said.

He rarely got sick growing up, but he grew up getting the flu shot every year, including this year.

"I think it's a good thing. I don't like having the flu. It's not really a fun experience," Slade said.

Right now, Georgia has a moderate spread of flu-like illnesses. 13WMAZ asked more than a dozen people if they got their flu shot yet, and only three said yes, including Slade. However, Piedmont Macon North ER Doctor Gary Godlewski says he has seen an increase at the hospital, among people of all ages.

Godlewski said, "The last several days working our waiting room has been full, backed up, so we will see more people."

Godlewski says he expects the increase to bring 10 to 20 percent more people into Piedmont Macon North's ER. He also says Georgia is currently one of the leading flu states for a couple of reasons.

"Well, we just had a major holiday. People tend to go out, pick it up, bring it home and start to spread it. Whenever they hit a hot spot and brought it home, and not many people are wearing a mask, because we have seen a lot less COVID-19," Godlewski said.

"If you get the flu shot, I think it's an easier step in the right direction, to prevent the flu and to prevent unnecessary risks," Slade said.

According to the CDC, even if you haven't gotten your vaccine, vaccination is still recommended because the flu most commonly peaks in February and high activity can continue into March.

So far, there has been one recorded flu-related death in Georgia. That was in the Atlanta area. The health department says the victim was an elderly person, over 65.

Nationwide, nearly 90 percent of flu like illnesses have occurred among people between 5 and 24 years old. The CDC says the best way to be protected from the flu is to get the flu shot. About 167-million doses have been distributed across the nation. If you're looking to get a flu shot, head to vaccines.gov to find a shot near you.

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