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'I feel like I'm in this by myself': COVID-19 patient caregivers face challenges

A Hancock County woman takes precautions while caring for her husband who tested positive for the coronavirus.

SPARTA, Ga. — A Hancock County woman is struggling to care for a family member who tested positive for COVID-19. Sabrina Burse spoke to the family to learn what safety precautions caregivers like her are taking and what challenges they face.

Yvonne Grant says her 54-year-old husband has diabetes and found out he had the coronavirus after being admitted to the ICU in  Milledgeville last week.

"He had the cough, fever, he was weak, couldn't hardly stand up," said Grant. 

Grant says she wears a mask to feed him and give him his insulin, but she fears she could catch the virus, too.

"I have to wash his clothes separate and take them out there," said Grant.

She says her husband was working in a nursing home when he started having symptoms. Now, he is staying in what used to be their kids' playroom.

"Nobody comes over anymore. I feel like I'm in this by myself -- no support, no one is helping me. Everybody is scared to come over," said Grant. 

Grant says she knows the pandemic is taking a toll on many families like hers. She hopes the number of confirmed cases will slow down. 

"That this thing will just turn everybody loose and just move forward. It don't look like no bright future for the younger generations," said Grant. 

Grant is encouraging the community to support each other any way they can. She says she's waiting to get her COVID-19 test results back.

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FACTS NOT FEAR | At 13WMAZ, we’re focusing our news coverage on the facts and not the fear around the coronavirus. To see our full coverage, visit our site section here: www.13wmaz.com/Coronavirus.

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