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Anti-Defamation league honors 3 with awards

The Anti-Defamation League has announced the recipients of three awards given to people and organizations working toward social justice.
Anti-Defamation League

ATLANTA (AP) - The Anti-Defamation League has announced the recipients of three awards given to people and organizations working toward social justice.

Officials said Tuesday that Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed has been awarded the Abe Goldstein Human Relations Award for "building bridges across lines of race, party, religion, sexual orientation and ethnicity."

The Stuart Lewengrub Torch of Liberty Award has been given to Emory University President James Wagner for organizing a conference exploring slavery and Emory's connections to it. The organization also recognized him for apologizing for anti-Semitic views that excluded or failed Jewish students at the now defunct Emory Dental School.

A special Centennial Achievement Award has also been given to Stuart Eizenstat, an ambassador to the European Union and to President Clinton on issues related to the Holocaust.

(Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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