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WATCH: Toddlers ring bell after battling cancer for over two years

855 days after toddlers Elena and Nash took on cancer, they rung the bell together when they beat it

ATLANTA — After more than two years, toddlers Elena Howard and Nash Thompson got to ring the bell at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Scottish Rite, signifying that they have beat cancer.

The pair came together through a shared diagnosis in early 2022 at just two years old: high-risk B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Their families met in the hospital hallways as the kids underwent chemo. Fast friends Elena and Nash got chemo, attended childhood cancer events and went to music therapy class together. On top of that, they spent the exact same amount of time in treatment: 855 days.

"Childhood cancer can be a lonely experience because immediately you are thrust into this world you never dreamed you’d be a part of, and no one you know can truly relate to what you are going through," Nash's mom, Katelyn Thompson, said. "Nash and Elena having each other- spending time in the hospital together, facing treatment bravely together, losing their hair together, fundraising together and delivering toys and books for other kids in the hospital, it meant everything." 

Their doctors say the toddlers battled the disease with courage and strength. 

"Nash has been a warrior fighting through unexpected challenges with bravery and grace. I am so thrilled to see him ring the bell and mark the milestone of completing all his chemotherapy treatments," said Dr. Melinda Pauly, pediatric hematologist and oncologist at the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorder Center. 

“Elena had a rocky course, especially during the first eight months, and had some severe complications which required that she be in the intensive care unit for a long time while things were critical," said Dr. John Bergsagel, pediatric hematologist and oncologist at the Aflac Cancer and Blood Disorders Center. "However, she has tremendous spirit and spunk- as the nurses who looked after her can attest- as well as an amazing family and a fantastic childhood desire to have fun and move on with being a kid regardless of what tamers we had to give her. She has been an inspiration to me with how she has handled all the adversity she’s faced in her young life."

Story continues below gallery. 

As they came to the end of their treatment, Elena and Nash's families knew they wanted to celebrate the two best friends together, so the nurses and doctors at Scottish Rite got together to create a joint celebration for the two of them. Hand in hand, Elena and Nash rang the bell together! 

For the last two and a half years, they have conquered cancer together, and now they want to help other kids beat it, too. 

"Our eyes have been opened to the suffering of a childhood cancer diagnosis and how harsh the treatments are," Nash's mom, Katelyn, said. "One in every 285 children are diagnosed with cancer, and childhood cancer research is sadly underfunded, with only 4% of federal research dollars going towards childhood cancer advancements. We are raising $50,000 for CURE to help fund much-needed genetic testing for children with hard-to-treat and relapsed cancers."

Anyone interested in helping can donate here. You can watch the moment the toddlers rang the bell in the video below: 

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