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'I was bleeding out': Woman saves Perry mans life after motorcycle accident

On June 3, Jarred Craine's life was saved by Toni Mack when she came to his aid during a motorcycle accident.

PERRY, Ga. — There is a lot to celebrate this month between Juneteenth and Father's day, but one Houston County family is celebrating a life that was almost lost with their family hero. 

On June 3, Jarred Craine's life almost came to an end after a scary motorcycle accident. 

"I was severely injured, I was bleeding out," Craine said.

As he was screaming for help, he was asking for one thing. 

"I wanted to make sure my mom was the first person to know," he said.

He says he was focused on staying conscious, checking on his passenger, and trying to figure out how to contact his mom. 

Then, came unexpected help because Toni Mack heard the screams while at a friends house nearby.

"We looked over the gate, and we just saw them laying on the ground. We just had to find our way out of the gate, and we just hopped through the gate ran around," Mack said.

When she arrived at the accident she says skills from her training as a nurse kicked in. She called 911 for assistance and started aiding Craine. 

"I put a torniquet on his arm to help slow the bleeding until first responders got there," Mack said.

She tried to make sure they were conscious and alert before first responders could get to the scene. 

"I went to nursing school and I realized I didn't want to be a nurse, but it's funny how God will ordain your life to give you the training you need," Mack said.

On top of everything, she answered Craine's one request and called his mom. She gave her the play by play of everything that happened. 

Mack says as a mother she would have wanted to know what was happening with her child. 

"I would want that same thing done for me, so I was trying to relay that to her and I promised her that I would stay on the phone with her until he got in the ambulance," she said.

Doctors say the night could have gone differently had Mack not been there to help. It's something that Craine is extremely grateful for. 

"There's not enough people like her, I feel from the bottom of my heart that every single person, if every single person was like her, the world would be a great place," he said.

After a few surgeries, Mack walked away with a cast on his arm and leg but also a new member of his family.

"I have so many blessings to be grateful for," Craine's mom Tira Green said.

She says the event showed her God is still in the miracle working business.

"I'm very thankful that God looked after him. I'm very thankful that God looked after Toni because crazy things happen in the middle of an accident," she said.

In the end, Mack has one message for everyone.

"Don't lose the humanity in yourself. Everybody on the side of the road was filming, but nobody was trying to help him. They were so worried about getting footage or posting or going live that they didn't care about this man's family, they didn't care if he lived or died." Mack said.

So she reminds you, to put down your phone, remember everyone is human, and to treat everyone how you would like to be treated. 

Craine's family say Mack coming to the rescue seemed like a heaven send, and perhaps even fated.

Craine lost an aunt a few years back named Toni. They say it was just more proof that God's hand was in the mix.

Craine still has a few months until he will be recovered and moving normally. 

They are thankful for all the support from Mack, his doctors, and the community. 

The family has a GoFundMe to support Craine's recovery. 


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