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Georgia College celebrates Apollo 11 anniversary with 'Moon Party'

The college's Science Education Center honored the historic day with educational fun for all ages

MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. — Fifty years ago, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong took their iconic first steps on the moon. To honor the day, Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville threw a lunar-themed party for all ages.

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The Milledgeville campus had exhibits with memorabilia from 1969, including newspaper clippings and moon rocks. The event also presented planetarium shows and documentaries about the landing.

The event was planned by astrophysicist and Georgia College lecturer Laura Whitlock. Whitlock remembers watching the moon landing and seeing it unify people around the globe.

"The whole world came together," said Whitlock. "It was everyone's success and everyone celebrated it. I would like for us to capture that feeling again, because I think we need it."

The party also gave kids the opportunity to fly their own rockets and create moon craters out of cocoa powder and flour.

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MORE: Museum of Aviation celebrates 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 launch

"I can't imagine what we can do now with the advances in technology and science," said GCSU student Nicole Collins. "I think it's important, especially to instill it in kids at such a young age and open their eyes to what can further be done and what they can do."

The Science and Education Center plans on bringing more exhibits like this to people across Central Georgia, educating people on everything from rockets to craters.

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