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'I'm just grateful for him': Bibb County Schools crossing guard keeps the kids safe

Roscoe King decided to be a crossing guard when he saw cars honking at kids crossing the street to go to school.

MACON, Ga. — At 86 years old, you'll find Roscoe King with his whistle ready and large, red handy stop sign, stopping cars to make sure students cross the street to school. 

Right in front of Matilda Hartley Elementary School, King watches closely as cars come up and down the street. He says, "some of these cars still run fast," and it worries him. He says his job is to keep the kids safe and more.

"We have never had an accident here," King said. 

King has been working as a Bibb County School District crossing guard for almost four years. He rarely misses work and likes ensuring the elementary school students get across the street safely. King says he wanted to become a crossing guard after watching kids coming to school.

"I looked and saw these kids running across the street sometimes, and cars were honking at them and everything, so I said that would be a good thing to do," King said.

King went to the district office and applied. Soon, he would have his own Bibb County School District Patrol patch and traffic vest in hand. Students at Hartley Elementary all agree King is one of the best. 

"I'm just grateful for him, and he's very blessed," one student said.

Another student says, "He's the best cross-guard you can have. When you pass by, you can see him wave."

Starting the job when he was 82, King hopes to work longer than the previous school crossing guard.

"The oldest crossing guard was 97 years old, so I got to catch him and pass him," King said. 

Principal Carmalita Dillard has worked within the school district for more than 25 years. She says it's a joy to have him.

"To know that he's 86 and still gets up and finds that joy and energy about helping kids get to school and being a part of that and being a part of his community are so important," Dillard said.

King will always hold down the throne of the crosswalks in front of Matilda Hartley Elementary School.

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